Sports Injures
Recreational physical activities and competitive athletics account for a significant number of injuries which occur. Therefore, musculoskeletal injuries are inevitable during participation in sports. A sports physiotherapist is involved in prevention and management of injuries from sports and exercise.
There are two classifications of injuries which can occur during sports participation:
- Macro-traumatic (acute)- these injuries occur mot often in sports that are high contact resulting from a strong and sudden force such sports include rugby or football. The injuries may include concussion, spinal cord injuries, fracture, or dislocation. These injuries may be primary (direct contact to tissue) or secondary (transmission of force).
- Micro-traumatic injures (chronic)- these injuries are as a result from repetitive use of body part such as muscle, joint, ligament, or tendon. Poor technique and structural abnormality can lead to micro traumatic injuries. These injuries are often seen in sports such as swimming, cycling, rowing.
Dislocation occurs when the bone splits/pops out of the joint. Anyone at any age can experience dislocation, however if you have issues with mobility, you have a higher chance of experiencing dislocation.
Dislocation can occur in your fingers, shoulder, elbow, hips, knees and any joint in your body can be dislocated. If you have experienced dislocation before, it increases the chance of future dislocations.
Ankle sprain
Ankle sprains are one of the most common types of injuries that you may sustain while playing sports. This type of injury may occur when you twist or roll your ankle which causes the ankle ligaments to tear or in some cases stretch.
Any person who plays sports is at risk of this injury. If you are playing sports such as basketball or soccer, you may be in higher risk of this injury and if you have suffered ankle sprain before, it is more likely to happen again.
Physiotherapy treatments can be quite beneficial for ankle sprain. The aim of your physiotherapy in the beginning of your treatment plan is to reduce inflammation that was caused by the injury and then the focus will be to help with rebuilding strength in your ankle by using different exercises and treatments.
Fractures are when your bone is cracked or broken. Fractures are common in sports injuries such fracturing your hand or wrist.
The most common type of fracture that you may suffer from while playing sports is stress fracture. Stress fracture is a small crack and may be caused by repetitiveness of a certain activity or overuse. Stress fractures may also occur when you are increasing your workout intensity for instance increasing the intensity of your running.
Stress fractures or fractures in general can be very painful and depending on the severity of the fracture, it can take some time to heal. To have a safe and fast recovery, a professional physiotherapist can provide you with a plan to get back to your day-to-day activities without pain. Your physiotherapist may use a combination of treatments and exercises to help you with your pain and assist you with strengthening of your muscles to prevent any future issues.
Shin splints
You may experience shin splints after making modifications to your running or exercise program. The overuse of the muscles that are attached to tibia can cause inflammation in them and this leads to shin splints.
There are different treatments for shin splints. Physical therapy is one of the treatment types used for this condition which can be quite beneficial. The aim of your physical therapist is to increase the strength of the muscles to prevent any further injuries to the muscle and reduce the risk of inflammation.
It generally takes about 4 to 8 sessions to treat shin splints depending on the severity of the condition. You can also try other types of treatment to reduce inflammation, for instance applying ice packs to the area of pain.
Knee injuries
There are different types of injuries that your knee may suffer while you are playing sports. One of the most common type of knee injury is fracture of your knee. This may occur as a result of fall or increase in exercise intensity.
Other types of knee injury may include dislocation, bursitis, tendonitis and more. The symptoms of this injury may vary based on the type of injury and severity. Common symptoms are swelling, redness or bruising of your knee, feeling unstable, clicking sounds and tenderness. If you experience any of the symptoms explained above speak to your GP or physiotherapist to receive appropriate treatment.
Tennis elbow
Tennis elbow is a condition that can be caused by overuse and repetitiveness of the activities that involves your elbow. Other causes may be the age of the person or in some cases the cause of the condition may be completely unknown.
Tennis elbow involves inflammation or micro-tearing outside of your elbow where your tendons join the forearm.
Hamstring sprain
Three muscles run down the back of your leg from thigh to your knee. A hamstring sprain occurs when one or more of these muscles get stretched too far and starts to tear. Hamstring sprains may have mild pain and short recovery or in some cases may require surgery.
A blow can cause small bleeds into the skin.
Cuts and abrasions
Are caused by falls. The knees and hands are most prone.
Treatment of sports injuries varies depending on their type and severity. It is important to consult your medical practitioner if the pain continues more than 2 days. What you may think as a simple to sprain may actually be a fracture to the bone which requires immediate medical attention.
Physiotherapy can rehabilitate injured site. Depending on the severity of the injury a physiotherapist can provide exercises to promote strength and flexibility. To return to your sports after an injury it will depend on the assessment of your medical practitioner or physiotherapist.
Participating in sports before your injury has fully healed may results in further damage and a longer recovery period. A major risk factor for a soft tissue injury is a prior injury. If you want to maintain you fitness during the recovery period, you can choose form of exercises that will not involve the part of the body which has been injured.
Some ways to reduce the risk of sports injuries:
- Warm up by performing slow, sustained stretches which utilise motions that are specific to your sports.
- Having footwear that will provide proper protection and support for your feet.
- Tap or strap the joint if it is required.
- Utilise safety equipment’s such as mouth guards, helmets and pads.
- Drink plenty of water before, during and after sports.
- Avoid doing sports in hottest times of the day which is between 11am and 3pm.
- Maintain your fitness during off seasons.
- Give your body adequate time to recover after a sport game.
- Have regular check-ups with medical professionals.
- Your GP
- Physiotherapist
- Hospital emergency department
- In an emergency call 000
If you have any further questions in relation to the conditions explained above feel free to chat with us on our social media platforms or call us on (02) 9637 5708.
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